

05 Nov 2015

Long Pine Run Reservoir – 4K Aerial

The kids were dismissed from school 2 hours early today so we went out to the Long Pine Run Reservoir to fly around a bit. I could not believe how LOW the water line was! Check it out above. Filmed with DJI Phantom 3 Professional at 4K-24p. 2015 B&M DIGITAL More at https://www.bmdigi.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bmdigicom Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Brad_BMdigital

03 Nov 2015

Drew’s Hope – Informational Video

We recently had the opportunity to work with the Drew Michael Taylor Foundation on an informational video project, which was displayed in front of a room full of people at their event this past Sunday evening. We were able to interview several Drew’s Hope families and witness firsthand how the various programs and activities impacted each participant. We have a newfound respect for the foundation and the wonderful service they provide to our community. It’s always so nice to be […]

29 Oct 2015

Todd Sponseller for Judge – November Update

It’s hard to believe the election is only a few days away! Just a quick reminder to get out and vote next Tuesday 11/3. A message from Todd: “Hello Friends & Supporters! We are less than one week away from the general election on November 3. Its hard to believe that I announced my candidacy on December 1, 2014 and nearly a year later, we are closing in on the final vote. Your incredible support in the May primary nominated […]

27 Oct 2015

Pale Barn Ghosts – Crush of Mud & Light [Live]

A little while back we had the pleasure of filming a nearly 2-hour live set by the Pale Barn Ghosts in Gettysburg, PA. They contacted us to put together a few music videos that captured their “live” sound in order to showcase for various venues and bookings. Here is the first of three videos in the series, titled “Crush of Mud & Light.” If you like what you hear, please consider helping them finish up their new album by visiting […]

23 Oct 2015

Jennifer y Henry // Frederick, MD

Well, here it is — our very first wedding spoken entirely in Spanish! Filmed August 1, 2015, at St. John Catholic Church in Frederick, and reception at Stone Manor Country Club in Middletown, Maryland. I must say – this was by far our most challenging wedding to date due to the language barrier, BUT I’m never one to back down from a challenge. So Justin and I went out as confident as could be and captured everything to the best […]

22 Oct 2015

Pale Barn Ghosts – Kickstarter Video

We recently put together this Kickstarter video for our friends The Pale Barn Ghosts. Their goal is to raise enough money to produce a new album and YOU can help by going here right now: http://kck.st/1PIMs6D We highly recommend you do so. If you’ve never heard their music, change that immediately. Their style is awesome and we all deserve another Pale Barn Ghosts album! The coolest thing about this video? (besides the gentlemen playing and talking in it of course…) […]

19 Oct 2015

Surprise Fireworks Display // Shook Wedding

We LOVE fireworks! Lucky for us, one of our weddings this year provided an opportunity to capture a 12 minute display of them. The event was a complete surprise courtesy of Alyssa’s father that nobody (except for us and a few others) knew was coming. Toward the end of the night the guests were called outside for a “group picture” and then THIS happened! ‪#‎waytogodad‬ ‪#‎fireworksareawesome‬ ‪#‎allshookup‬ 2015 B&M DIGITAL More at https://www.bmdigi.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bmdigicom Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Brad_BMdigital

17 Oct 2015

Fly On – DJI Inspire Aerial Reel

A short aerial reel from several of our recent projects. We have about a dozen more in production so this is just the beginning! Lots of inquiries about this service lately so be sure to mention it for your next project – or wedding. #dji #inspire #aerial #cinematography #flyon Aerial Pilot: Scott Vorhees // DJI Inspire 1 2015 B&M DIGITAL More at https://www.bmdigi.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bmdigicom Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Brad_BMdigital

16 Oct 2015

Affordable Excavating & Hauling, Inc.

It’s ‪#‎Flyby‬ Friday! We hope your Friday “flew” by and you’re all ready to enjoy the weekend. We went out and spent part of this afternoon taking progress photos and video at a construction site in Chambersburg. Big thanks to Scott for coming out to help on such short notice. Here’s a quick video of some of the footage we were able to put together for our new friends at Affordable Excavating. ‪#‎dji‬ ‪#‎inspire‬ ‪#‎construction‬ ‪#‎flybyfriday‬ Aerial Pilot: Scott Vorhees […]

07 Oct 2015

Alyssa + Chris // St. Joseph-on-Carrollton Manor & Musket Ridge

Highlights from the Shook Wedding, held July 17, 2015, at St. Joseph-on-Carrollton Manor Catholic Church in Frederick, MD and Musket Ridge Golf Club in Myersville, MD. This was a beautiful day full of surprises, including a top-secret fireworks display pulled off by Alyssa’s father, that nobody knew was coming. It was a privilege to be a part of another awesome wedding and we wish Alyssa & Chris all the best! Crew: Videography: Brandon Shirley & Brad Miller // B&M Digital […]